
Monday, June 4, 2012

From the Doorstep of a VIP Club

One unexpected effect of going to that kids items sale on Saturday was that I was for once allowed to behave like a future mom.
Each family had rented a table to display all the stuff they wanted gone, a bit like at a multi-family garage sale. While I was shopping for used clothes, I talked a bit with the parents (mostly ladies) who were selling.
Here's an example of a typical conversation:
Seller: Are you looking for boy or girl clothes?
Me: I don't know yet, we're expecting :-)
Seller: Oh! Congratulations!
Me (all smiles): Thank you!
If people asked more (because I don't exactly look pregnant), I would say we are adopting and get all sorts of curious (but never inappropriate) questions.

I know, this sounds terribly ordinary.

It' not.

Not if you have waited years to become a parent.
Not if all parents in the world seemed to be members of a huge private club in which you were persona non grata just a few months ago.
Not if you've ever seriously doubted you'd ever get to be in that position.

In all reality, we're not quite expecting yet. Our file is still in Canada. But we are so close, and I think I'll have the most beautiful pregnancy!


  1. Great post Gen! I honestly got a little teary eyed reading it. I am so happy for you!
