
Monday, June 18, 2012

We're Pregnant!

... on paper that is...

The FedEx website had this for us this morning:

Our paperwork is now in the hands of the Sri Lankan government! The package was signed for at 1am (our time) last night.
To us, that means the same as this:

Picture taken from

It's so exciting!!!! I had to wake Pablo up (at 5 am) to tell him :-)

And now we wait!


  1. Congratulations Gen! Way to go! Best of luck for a smooth, easy and quick pregnancy.

  2. very informative. We just started the adoption procedure for Sri Lanka too. We live in US. We are originally from Sri Lanka. Glad to see this blog. I will be following it with you..

  3. Gen, I love your ticker. I only just noticed it at the bottom of the page. Can't wait to watch and follow as the count seems to be very real now.

  4. Thanks all! We are so excited! And it's great to not have the morning sickness and extreme fatigue ;)

    Ruv - Congratulations on your decision to adopt! I hope you find some value in the information this blog provides!
    I wish you a smooth and short process...

    Elizabeth - I love the ticker too! I find it's not moving fast enough, though :D


  5. Hi Gen - A congrats to both of you! Quick question - did you start your immigration process?

  6. To Gen & Ruv - both of you can contact me at - Gen - I couldn't log onto Canada Adopts. We are just getting our documents together for Sri Lankan consulate in Canada.

  7. Hi BC-Sri Lanka!
    We're only just starting to look at the immigration process...
    It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! :P
