
Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Hague Convention

Over the past year or so, I have become a huge fan of the Hague Convention.
That's right! With all the red tape, all the paperwork, all the added work, I'm still so happy we chose a Hague country to adopt from...

It's true that the Convention adds an extra layer of complexity to an already messy process. But it's also a guarantee for our children and for ourselves.
As I have discussed here, I am fully onboard with the idea that maintaining a child in her birth family is the best option. I also believe that children should be placed in their country of origin whenever possible. But I know for a fact that they need a family and that, though placing children abroad is a last resort, we are still a great way for a child to grow in a safe, loving environment.
Of course, this doesn't give us priority in getting the baby we long for. But here is one more thing the Hague states: the interests of the children should always prevail. And I agree with that too. These kids are in tough situations and so vulnerable. They need protection and their needs should be a priority.
One day, one of these children will be my son or daughter and I will want to know that their best interest has dictated every single decision made along the way.

Under the Hague Convention, children are, at least in theory, matched by government officials.That's something else I like! The government adds a layer of control between parents (who have money and have been waiting for a terribly long time) and whoever has custody of an orphan.
See where I'm headed?
Don't get me wrong, I believe that most adoption agents, orphanage workers and foster families are wonderful people with a heart of gold. But all it takes is one dishonest person to suddenly stir the focus away from one child's real needs.

I wrote this post over a year ago. And I believe it now more than ever.


  1. Hi Gen,
    I tried to respond yesterday but couldn't leave a comment. Good question and comments. I would like for my country to be Hague acredited because I think there is protection for both sides in the process, but most importantly for the children. I so want to know that my child has been given up or lost their parents, as opposed to the family being paid or bribed to give their child up. Have you looked at UNICEF's views. If you go back through my blog archive I've mentioned them once or twice. I think when I have been frustrated and annoyed with the process.
    Talk to you later,

    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      I fully agree with UNICEF's view on international adoption...
      I think working with a non-Hague country, it mush require greater commitment from the parents to the well-being of the children. You are so right to go the extra mile in making sure that your adoption is ethical!
