
Monday, January 21, 2013

Liebster Award

Well, it's the first time I do something like this... Mia, over at Gypsy Mama's Misconceptions, has nominated me for a Liebster Award :) Thank you Mia, you're so sweet!

This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another. If you receive the award, there are a few rules to follow.

Each blogger nominated must post 11 things about themselves.
Then answer the 11 questions the tagger has asked.
Blogger must then create 11 questions of their own to ask the bloggers they decide to nominate.
They must choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them on their blog post.
Bloggers must be notified of their award.
No tag backs!

11 Things About Me:
1- I'm a Quebecoise living in Alberta, and I'm deeply in love with both my home city and my Rocky Mountains.
2- I'm an outdoors addict. Rarely do I get a rush like when going down a fast hill on my cross-country skis or stopping to catch a breath on the summit of a mountain.
3- There were only women in my home as I was growing up.
4- My husband and I dated for 10 years before getting married. Really, we got married for the adoption.
5- I have a challenging and stimulating job as an engineer...
6- ... but my secret dream job would have been as a travel guide author.
7- Whenever I travel to a country where I don't speak the language, I do the "Word of the Day": I learn one new word a day and make efforts to use it with locals.
8- I know the trick to a lasting relationship: marry your best friend!
9- I knit, and so does my Grandma. It skipped a generation in my family :)
10- I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with a girlfriend a few years ago.
11- I worked as a museum guide in a Space Science museum when I was a teenager. I learned tons and loved this job.

11 Questions From Mia:
1- What was your favourite food as a child? My Grandmother's tourtiere, a sort of pie with hare, moose and other meats.
2- Where do you want to retire? Probably back in Quebec, close to my family.
3- Favourite cookie? You know those packed shortbread cookies with the red jelly sprinkled with sugar in the middle? Well I still like them as much as when I was a kid...
4- Introvert or Extravert? I think I'm extrovert... 
5- What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Vacuuming. I'd rather clean the toilet bowl for a month than vacuum my house.
6- What is your favourite time of day? Conversations on the pillow before falling asleep.
7- Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? Take pictures, if the subject is interesting.
8- Is toilet paper hung over or under? Over, of course!
9- Who has the sexiest accents? People from Southern France. In English, I'm a sucker for a light British accent. Wait... Was I supposed to say Latinos???
10- Favourite Disney Princess. Hum... I guess Belle is the one I liked the most when I was a kid. If I can cheat a bit, I'll says Shrek's Fiona (though it's not a Disney character). I like that she is unconventional...
11- What was your first job? Burger King. That was before the museum. 

11 Questions From Me:
1- What is your favorite movie?
2- What kind of student were you in elementary school?
3- Your biggest success?
4- What is your oldest memory?
5- Who was your hero when you were growing up?
6- Describe a place you love close to your home.
7- What's your go-to meal to entertain friends?
8- One song on your playlist right now?
9- Name one quality you hope one of your parents has passed on to you.
10- Are you more into Science or Arts?
11- How much time do you spend blogging and reading blogs each day?

Bloggers I Nominate:
I only have a few blogs that I follow that have less than 200 followers:


  1. Great answers, I love tourtiere too!! I giggled when you said "wait, am I supposed to say Latinos?"
