
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Losing Hope

I know, I've been neglecting this blog lately.
The latest news is very confusing. Our Canadian agency assures us that all orphanages will soon be able to refer children internationally. At the same time, the French Government web page states that no new applications are accepted and that healthy children are not available from Sri Lanka anymore.

The program has been still since December 2011, that's over a year.
Sure, we get updates that give us hope every now and then. But in reality, nothing is moving.

As I have hinted to before, we are pursuing other options, now. We are leaving our file in Sri Lanka and still hope to adopt from there one day, but we're not counting on it.
When we first started this process, we spoke with an mom from BC who had adopted from Sri Lanka. She advised us to not leave all our eggs in the same basket. She had put in a second application and succesfully adopted a first child from a different country before ever getting a referral from Sri Lanka.
Well, S., it took us over a year to understand and accept the value of your advice.

And since our focus has changed a bit, I find it harder to maintain this blog...

I will keep updating it, but I may not post as often for a while. I hope to eventually pick up the pace again, if our Sri Lanka adoption ever happens, or if the adoption of another child gives me valuable material.


  1. Gen,
    Thinking of you a lot recently and sorry to read this post. It is so hard when there is so little happening and different messages being given.
    Take care,

  2. Thinking of you Gen and sending positive vibes your way.

  3. Hello,
    I am Sri Lankan born in Canada and I came across your blog a few months ago. I thought it would be good to post a reply after reading this post. I find you to an inspiration to adopt from a country where nobody really has before. This country is full of hardships and I can understand why it has been so hard for you to receive the child you have been longing to have. I pray that things go well for you, all the best.

  4. Thank you all for your support! It means a lot.

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    1. Thank you Tracy, I'm glad that you find it interesting!

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